The children of Helping Hand visited a home for the elderly, bringing cookies, inspirational Activated magazines, hugs, and smiles!
Author: Helping Hand
Food & Goods for Orphanage
This orphanage in Khayelitsha cares for over 100 children daily, so the foodstuffs and other goods we were able to bless them with were received with great gratitude!
Well Done to Our Students!
We had a little celebration for our home-schooled teens and children as they passed to another grade this month! Well done to them! Education is key, and we are proud to reward and honour them for the many long days of work they put in.
Celebrating 70!
In August we celebrated the 70th birthday of Anthony, who, with his wife, started Helping Hand. Anthony has been serving the Lord for 45 years in The States, all over Europe, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, The Philippines, and for the last twenty years in Africa. Still busy, still serving. Happy birthday Anthony!
Three Missionaries – Three Centres – Three Words
Three Helping Hand members went with a vanload of supplies – food, clothing, kitchen dishes, and bathroom necessities – to drop off at three needy centres. One caters for homeless and disabled men, while another focuses on women in crisis. The third takes care of TB/HIV/AIDS children, as well as burn victims. Each of these centres received their goods along with three simple yet powerful words, “Jesus loves you!” We are so proud of the staff who faithfully run these centres, and make a difference in the lives of those they assist. It is our honour and pleasure, thanks to your help, to be a part of keeping them going.
Campus Outreach – Youth Reaching Youth
The youth of today need the Gospel message more than ever; they need to know that Jesus cares for them just as they are – and in spite of their personal questions and issues. For this purpose, the youth volunteers of Helping Hand (including Caleb, one of our members visiting from Netherlands) walked through this university campus, distributing tracts and striking up conversations. At the conclusion of the day’s outreach, hundreds of tracts had been given out, and ten individuals committed their lives to Christ! Many more were encouraged and prayed for, and some requested to be added to our weekly devotional list. Hallelujah! (Mark 16:15) “And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature”
Bread for Two Clinics
David and Frank delivered thousands of fresh bread rolls to two clinics – making it possible for TB/HIV/AIDS patients to have food with their medication!