Meat & Eggs

This donation of hundreds of kilos of meat and many dozens of eggs went to centres and feeding schemes all around Cape Town; benefiting young and old(er)  

Vegetables for Startup Soup Kitchen

Here you see Anthony and Mike with hundreds of kilos of vegetables that we brought to a new soup kitchen. This project feeds local children and adults several days a week, and the township chief and his organizers were greatly thankful for the help.

Credit Where Credit is Due – Nurses Day

For Nurses Day today, we brought chocolates and handwritten notes to dozens of nurses at local clinics. These dear ones labour long hours and process a huge number of patients, many of whom need comfort, counsel, or special care. Yet they continue on cheerfully and faithfully, helping those who can’t help themselves. The surprise and thankfulness on their faces as they received their “Nurses Day Appreciation” was truly satisfying!

Schoolbags and Educational Materials

Each child at this underprivileged creche was so excited to get their own school backpack! The teachers also thrilled to the various educational materials and posters we brought. Upliftment through education is much more lasting, and we are proud to be a part of changing these little one’s lives for the better!  

Clothing Distribution for Crisis Centres and Shelters

We were blessed with donations of quality men’s and women’s clothing and were able to distribute them to some shelters and crisis centres. Being able to provide the residents of these centres with a set of new clothing not only enables them to look for employment and possibly secure a better future for themselves, but also gives them the dignity each of us needs and deserves.

News from the Netherlands – Tracts for The Hague

We had to go to The Hague for business and wanted to grab the opportunity to pass out tracts and messages with Jesus’ personal words while there. After all, perhaps God had His appointment by working out our appointment at that particular time and place. We pray each tract and message will stir up faith in the hearts of the receivers, and those they may possibly pass it on to!