After many years of faithful service here in Cape Town and surrounds, Jean and Kristina and their children (Kodie, Gerry, Nathan, Estelle, and little Anna-Mae) have moved to France. Over the years they have been an integral part of our work and activities, and we are so thankful for their love and faithful service for these many, many years. A heartfelt thank you to both of them, and their daughter Kodie, for selflessly serving and helping others alongside us! They will continue to be part of our extended family, and will be sorely missed by our whole team here. We wish them God speed and continue to keep them in our prayers. Thank you Jean, Kristina, Kodie, and kiddies! May God bless and keep you, and Bon Voyage!
Author: Helping Hand
Food and Other Items for Children’s Orphanage
Here you see Mike loading up foodstuffs and other needed items for the Baphumelele Children’s Home and Orphanage.
Valentine’s Flowers for Elderly!
As a treat for Valentine’s Day, we brought flowers to residents of a local frail care home. As they interacted with the little ones – receiving flowers, inspirational magazines, and hugs – the smiles and joy on their faces spoke clearly “THANK YOU FOR CARING ABOUT US!”
Beautiful Flowers!
“Could you come through right away please?” the voice on the other end of the phone asked. “We have flowers for you.” Upon arrival, we were amazed at how many lovely flowers there were – as well as small fruit trees, chili plants, and more! They will go to households and families across Cape Town; bringing a little extra joy into lots of lives!
Fresh Food Jan 2016
Last month we distributed over five tons (5000kg) of fresh fruit and vegetables – thanks to sponsors and donors – to multiple centres! We did more than 35 different “drop-offs”, and many, many people benefited.
Donated Computers, DVD Players, Fax Machines, Shredders
Donated computers, fax machines, DVD players, and office shredders went to this computer training skills centre. What a privilege to be a part of progress in this way! Our (and their) thanks go out to the donors!
Two Runs – 15km and 42km!
Helping Hand members participated in two runs last week; a 15km (Dan Luyt) and a 42km. (Red Hill) Both were a success, with everyone enjoying the camaraderie, exercise, and completion of their goals! (Hebrews 12:1-2) Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Paraplegic/Quadriplegic Centre – Meat, Cheese, Bread, Fresh Fruit & Veg
As often as possible, we bring supplies of fresh food, as well as non-perishables and other goods, to this centre for paraplegics and quadriplegics. This time it was meat, cheese, bread, as well as fresh fruits & vegetables. God bless the residents for their genuinely positive attitude in the midst of their physical struggles, and the staff for their hard, faithful work.