For the Children and Those that Care for Them…

The many children at this large orphanage in Khayelitsha – plus a whole lot of others older and younger that come to the community soup kitchen – benefited from the vanload of foodstuffs we were able to provide for them. And even the men and women who faithfully care for the kids and keep the homes clean enjoyed crackers and tea; special items earmarked for their relaxation and refreshment!

Help for the Elderly

We were warmly received by the staff of “Tehuis” as we brought not only a lovely couch for their communal area, bur also sanitizers and boxes of food, both fresh and non-perishable. “Tehuis” is home to 160 elderly men and women and is very much in need of supplies and food. It was a privilege to support the home with sanitizers for each resident as well as plenty of varied food items.

Outreach Trip to Grahamstown Arts Festival, part 1!

What a privilege and joy it is to share the Love of Jesus – that we have so freely been given – with as many as possible!

Our four person team is now in Grahamstown for the entire Arts Festival; including driving to and from and witnessing along the way, they will be on the road for two weeks. Ministering on the way to fest was amazingly blessed and wonderful, (with even a sudden chance to join other dear believers in their local outreach) and the first day in Grahamstown has been just as great!

Happy Father’s Day!

Being a father is hard work. Caring for your children is an arduous task, but it is the most rewarding task in this world. For what greater love hath any man than this, than a man lay down his life for his friends? (John 15:13) Your children are your friends, and they will be your friends all the days of your life. They need you. They need your fathering. They need your care.
They need your love. They need your understanding.
As you take this responsibility, you shall have God’s full blessing and great fulfillment in this life.

Blankets for Children to Ward off the Winter Cold

Each of the precious children in these rural areas received a large warm blanket, to help them make it through this very cold and wet winter. The young people of Helping Hand were there to hand out the items, wrap the blankets around the children, say kind words, and give warm smiles. It was both wonderful and heart-wrenching to see the living conditions of so many this winter.

On top of the blankets we were able to distribute needed food parcels with fresh food, cheese, and meat to every person in these communities. Both the children and adults were most grateful for the help, thanking us over and over!

So an enormous thank you to all of you who made this Youth Day project a reality. The children of God who live in these very trying circumstances thank you. You have made their lives better, and reminded them they are loved and important.