The Work Joyfully Goes On..

Besides focuses like Grahamstown outreach or other large projects; every day there are food parcels being made and delivered, outreach teams out, soup kitchens supplied, centres and homes being helped, children prayed with and uplifted, devotional messages sent out, and more! All of this thanks to those of you who make it possible! – and our dear Jesus for giving the strength and direction day by day! We couldn’t do it alone!

Grahamstown Outreach – team is on the road!

Our outreach team is on the road! They will be witnessing and ministering up along the way to Grahamstown, there for the duration of the Arts Festival, and back down again early July. Two weeks in total.

The rest of the mission team here will continue with local outreach, Bible studies, food distribution, and projects. Hooray for the miracles and testimonies to come!

Radio Ministry to Inmates!

This year, we’ve partnered with a small local Christian radio initiative that broadcasts specifically into prisons; connecting both inmates and correctional service officers with the Gospel and targeted messages of Love and Hope. Our Helping Hand team personally records/edits devotional audios which are played daily, reaching individuals all over the nation! Thank you Jesus for a WHOLE OTHER ministry!

Nappies, Clothes, and Staple Foods for Orphanage

Thanks to donations and gifts in kind, we could bring these desperately needed items to “Mama” Rosie and the 160+ children she cares for. There were bags of flour, beans, maize, rice, cereal, sugar, and baby formula! There were also brand new clothing items for some of the younger children, and Prime drinks for the faithful staff members! When loading the van, we suddenly felt led to give some packs of nappies that we had received and were not allocated yet. When we arrived in Khayelitsha and Mama Rosie and her operations manager saw the stack of nappies, they burst into rejoicing and thankful tears! Then we learned that they simply couldn’t afford to keep the kind of nappy stock needed for the amount of little ones they have, and had been stressing about both the practical lack and the Department of Health’s inspections. So even though we didn’t know the urgency of the need, God knew and provided! It was such a joyful day!