God’s Perfect Timing: Brand New Shoes and Many Other Items for Youth Centre!

For this project at a youth centre in Phillipi, we had a vanload ready of household items, appliances, blankets, linens, and brand new shoes! (which were donated in many boxes of odd/incomplete pairs, and David here at the mission spent many painstaking hours matching shoes till there were quite a few complete pairs for use!) At this centre they offer both lifeskills training and spiritual upliftment to young people coming from orphanages, juvenile court, and other difficult backgrounds. These young men and woman often stay long term, and many get job placements; becoming able to face the world and their future lives with a much better foundation. When planning, we prayed if we should go to deliver all the things on Tuesday or Wednesday, and in spite of the fact that Tuesday was extremely busy, felt led that it should be then.

So, everything was loaded, and off we went. When we arrived, the house “fathers” gasped as they began looking through the various boxes. Turns out that the kettle for the one dorm had just broken, and there in a box was a replacement kettle! Then “are those curtains?” they asked. “You won’t believe it, but TONIGHT some young ladies are moving into the one room, and we didn’t have any curtains for the window! We were concerned about privacy, but didn’t have funds to get curtains. Now we can put these up right away!”

And the shoes…oh what excitement! Several of the young men enjoy running, and had just recently completed a half marathon – albeit in old uncomfortable shoes. Imagine their joy as they tried on brand new top quality pairs! There were pairs for everyone!

We gave each of the young people and the house fathers inspirational Gospel material, and prayed together with them, once again rejoicing in God’s perfect personal care and timing in so many ways!