Over 2500kg of Fresh Food – Parcels for Families

A sudden wonderful donation (two vanloads!) of potatoes and butternut spurred us to pray and rapidly set in motion a trip to a nearby settlement, where every single person could get a food parcel! We prepacked over 560 parcels with Gospel tracts included, and loaded them up for distribution the next day. Then, without knowing about this plan and distribution, someone came to the door that afternoon with nearly two dozen massive bags of avos! So in the end the Lord even treated these dear ones to a few avos each, in addition to their parcel. What amazing and perfect timing; and how grateful we are to be able to be on the ground, showing His Love in action.

Flood Relief – Clothes, Blankets, and Shoes

So many are suffering in the aftermath of the storms and floods that have hit many communities. This distribution of clothes, shoes, and blankets reached hundreds of people, and served as a practical reminder that – even in the terrible storms of life both physical and spiritual – God loves and cares for us. It was just blessed all the way through and the families were so thankful it brought tears to our eyes. There was nearly 100% chance of rain, which would make project extremely difficult. So before going we desperately prayed …and the Lord kept away the rain COMPLETELY just as requested. Miracles! Privileged to do it and all thanks to Jesus!!!

16 Day Outreach Trip!

The outreach was a great and wonderful success! In total during the 16 days witnessing (on the road and at Grahamstown Arts Festival) the immediate, known results are:

-70 decisions to accept Jesus Christ as Saviour!
-158 people prayed with on the spot for healing, jobs, family, against anxiety, depression, and many other requests!
-305 Bibles, Activated magazines, and other books given out!
-12 700 Gospel tracts distributed!