New Year’s Eve on CCFM Radio

On New Year’s Eve, Francois, the host of CCFM’sTime to Decide” radio show, invited several of us to join him on this last day of the year.

We talked about all the Lord did during 2013; mentioning some of the highlights and miracles, and were able to say a few words of encouragement for the coming year. Francois asked one of us to end the show with a prayer for 2014, and Frank prayed and asked the Lord to help everyone -in the studio and listening- to remember to simply love Jesus and show His Love to others in any way possible; a smile, a helping hand, a word of encouragement, or a kind deed.

We were blessed to have this time, and have the opportunity to remind everyone that we are here for a reason, and that Jesus has a special plan for each of us! And, through the smses that came in, we were inspired to see that the Lord led Francois (and each of us) to speak words that spoke specifically to listeners’ hearts.

What a great way to end the year!

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