The Windows of Heaven Opened…

One morning, we suddenly received a call to come collect donated bread – as it turns out, over 200 loaves!

Then, a man we have been ministering to for several years, (and who finally accepted Christ after nearly passing on from Covid) decided spur of the moment to give us a whole lot of beautiful carrots!

We prayed about where these unexpected foodstuffs would be the biggest blessing, and felt led to give to a ECD centre, orphanage, and soup kitchen running in Khayelitsha. When we phoned the founder, she interrupted our description of the things for her with joyful and loud “hallelujahs!” and “oh thank you Jesus!” She said they had no bread left, and were using their last cooking vegetables. What timing.

We were able to expand her load of food with potatoes, onions, and other items. So grateful!