Prayer Needed for New Premises

We have just been notified that our landlord will be moving back into our office space and we will need to vacate one of our premises by the end of September. These premises are housing our project’s storage, offices, schoolroom etc. and we ask you to join us in prayer for a suitable replacement that is large enough for our needs and economical enough for our budget. As you can imagine this puts a bit of a strain on us and we have a very short time-frame within which to work everything out, but we have many wonderful memories of our time here and look forward to the new things the Lord has in store for us.

Grahamstown Testimonies

(Note) At the festival we gave out thousands of tracts/pamphlets. It is our aim to explain the Gospel in an attractive, up-to-date manner. AntTracts are specific and pointed. They use present-day scenarios and language that are “in sync” with today’s attitudes and life-situations. All of them present Jesus’ Salvation as the solution, in a positive, helpful, up-beat, and often humorous way. They are not all “new” but have been in circulation in many mission fields for a number of years and have been proven to bear good fruit (positive results) in the hearts and lives of receptive readers. They are available on the site for download, free of charge. (Chris) We watched a documentary about some missionaries in India and how the Lord gave one of them a dream and told him to go into such-and-such a town and he would meet a man with a white beard, orange robe, and turban. And so he did and, lo and behold, there the man was! Even more amazing, when he started to share the Gospel with him, this man told him that he had ALSO had a dream with the missionary’s face and that he would meet him. Because of this, he was eager to listen to the missionary and gave his life to Jesus. Wonderful! We were all very inspired by this and so, after the movie, we prayed that the Lord would do things like that for us and prepare people that night for meeting us the next day. The next morning I met an artist on the street and started telling him about the Lord. After talking for a few minutes he said, “You know what, I had a dream last night that I would quit smoking, and that I would find the reason to quit today.” WOW! Read the full article…

Spending Madiba Day to Show the Love of Our HEAVENLY Father in Word and Deed

Everyone in our Helping Hand Mission, from our 1-and-a-half year old to our sixty-something year old, spent the day reaching out to others. The following activities kept us busy for the day. Visiting the Elderly Food Parcels for the Homeless Distributing Educational Materials Nutrition for HIV and TB Patients Sandwiches for Street People A Meal and a Juice for the Less Privileged Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for Feeding Schemes Bibles, Pamphlets, and Inspirational Magazines for All